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The Demon Sun- Life From A Twisted Angle

The Random Rantings of a Computer nerd/Anime fanboy/Chef/Photographer/Randum Nutjob

Friday, February 24, 2006

Anger... and Destruction

Wow... Do i ever constantly forget to update this damn little thing.

New news, I am currently engaged in a nice little war with the president of the Electronic Gaming Society, who in what I believe to be a massive ego trip decided about 3 weeks ago to ban me from all involvement in the planning of the gaming tournament. After that I recused myself from all involvement with the EGS club until this little issue is sorted out. I thought I had made myself clear to the Club president but apperently not, for wednsday last week he orgainized a "mandatory meeting" during wich apparently there was a vote taken, and i was uncerimoniously thrown out of the club and banned from the club office and meetings. Now the leaving the club, he had already ensured by banning me from the tournament, but the booting me out as an officer, and banning me from SCHOOL facilities is wat pissed me off. I'm on a war path right now and I will do my best to totally trash him using the rules he ignores as the sword, and his ego as my arm shoving it through his heart, the club.

And what infuriates me even more is his "ordering" of officers of the Sci-Fi/Fantasy club to enforce his "ban" on me in the club office, which is a joint office of the two clubs, and of which I am also a member of.

Well asides from that little steamig festering pile of shit, I have had a pretty good few weeks. especially with my Xbox 360. Right now I'm playing Bankshot Billiards, a nice little arcade game, a little expensive though around 14.00$. I'm really enjoying the LIVE Arcade Games, they are nice and cheap and are really well done little addictive bastards.

Well more tomorrow, and I'll actually talk about sports, seing as how the olympics are about to finish.

se ya tomorrow...