Annoyances Part 1.
You know those things that no matter how small they are, just drive you up a wall? Well for me it's my stuff being moved. My Room is organized the way I like it and I can find almost anything relatively quickly. Well, somebody in my family decided to move my one of my CDs, and didn't put it back where they found it. well lo' and behold, I needed It and nobody knows where the hell it is, oh this cd just happened to be the install CD for Adobe Photoshop CS. its worth 300$US, and I need it to finish a project and I can't find the bloody thing, and nobody knows where it is, well lnog story short I'm forced to do my project in a mac lab at school, which takes me 4 hours, because the machine doesn't have any of my fonts on it. And You know what, not 2 days later my dad finds it. it really pisses me off because he said he never touched it in the first place.
Well, it's back to the waiting game, motherboard comes on wednesday and I'm probably gonna spend all of the next week or so setting up my new computer and getting comfortable with it.
I went and helped my dad take pictures at a NJROTC Ball today. We Did pretty well. I got paid for sitting around and watching anime, and all I had t do was copy a few Pictures From Compact Flash cards to a laptop and then burn them on cd's.
Thats All For now- adios
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