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The Demon Sun- Life From A Twisted Angle

The Random Rantings of a Computer nerd/Anime fanboy/Chef/Photographer/Randum Nutjob

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Off To PA

Off To my cousins house tomorrow- so I might not post tomorrow. I hope to Get into Philadelphia and go to the reading terminal market. great place LOTS of food.

ER Season 1 Wheee!

Rant Of the Day? Maybe!

I love ER!
I've been watching ER and M*A*S*H for the last couple of weeks, Starting from Season one of each. I've already seen most of M*A*S*H On FX, but seing as I don't have Cable or satellite, it's kinda hard to watch. Since I started Netflix I've been renting out the DVD sets for the above series.

It's Been fun watching the earlier episodes of ER, especially the Pilot- They used red corn-syrup as blood. It's Quite Funny really.

But thats it for my rant today-More after I go to my cousins in PA.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Merger Mayhem

GameStop-Electronics Boutique Merger
Adobe-Macromedia Merger
SlashDot Discussion Of Macromedia-Adobe Merger

I hope To god they don't kill Dreamweaver. I use it as A layout tool, and then I recode by hand, but I happen to like how it speeds up the process of coding. I use Photoshop extensively in my photographic work. I use Flash occasionally.

I just hope they don't destroy the best products on their lines.

I know this post is poorly written, been too busy studying for school.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Warning!!! Filler Rant Below

You wanna know whats just wonderful? Do You?
Insomnia. its so nice just sitting there in bed trying and trying to go to sleep, but finding it impossible. I just love going to school sleepy. Oh Yes I Do. At least I know my insomnia is not caused by my ADD/ADHD drugs, because I'm not taking them!

**Ignore Sarcasm** I'm Just Really Tired

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Open Source in Games and Life in General

I just noticed something interesting, as I was installing Star Wars Republic Commando, I happened to see that the music and sound files were .ogg's, otherwise known as Ogg Vorbis Audio files. The Ogg codec is open source and is usually superior to Mp3. Personally I feel is is a step in the right direction for a game company to start using open source products in their games.

Generally I will use whatever product that is available to me whenever I produce some sort of content. If I am programming I will use GCC or some other compiler in linux, for audio I'll usually use Audacity Or Acid Pro, For web design I'll use Macromedia Studio MX( MX 2004 When I can afford It), for graphics I'll usually use Photoshop CS, Freehand 10, Paintshop Pro, and occaisonally The Gimp for windows and linux. I don't really have a preference for using open-source over commercial software, I just use whatever has the most features or just the ones I'm looking for.

Open-Source in general is a brilliant idea- Just look at linux. Open-source though is NOT an end-all, commercial software is still neccesary- Open-source just provides another option. Most people will choose whatever the feel is best for their purpose. Sometimes the best solution is not an Open-Source product but a closed proprietary product.

Thats All I'm going to say on Open-Source for the moment.
more rants coming soon

Friday, April 01, 2005


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