Computer Updates!

Wheee, New Graphics card!!!
Tomorrow I shall Recieve a XFX Geforce 6800 XTreme 256MB Graphics Card.
This is both a nice replacement, and a nice upgrade from my current card, a GeForce 6600GT, which partially fried out because of a faulty heatsink. This should finally allow me to play Half-Life 2 with all of the pretty effects rendered.
Now all I need is a new Processor, preferably a AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+, but seing as how I still can't find a job, I have to wait until I can afford that kind of upgrade.
I am also gonna Start from scratch with my computer, clearing everything off of my main drive and doing a fresh install of Windows XP Pro. I need to do this because I have suspicions that a bad driver is causing windows to crash every so often, for no reason.
And another spate of bad luck hit me, one of my external hard drives failed, taking a lot of my anime with it, but at least none of it was licensed, so I can still download it anew. I sent off the drive to maxtor to be replaced, and I should get to them by next week. and my replacement drive should be coming a little while after that. but meanwhile I dug up one of my smaller unused drives, a Maxtor 40 GB, and that is serving it's backup purpose nicely, holding my iTunes music until I finish reinstalling windows again.
I am still debating over wether or not to leave about 12 GB of free space for a linux partition. I have to decide tomorrow.
Well that's all for now, I will post more tomorrow, after I have purged my computer and started anew. And My first impressions of my new Graphics card.
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