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The Demon Sun- Life From A Twisted Angle

The Random Rantings of a Computer nerd/Anime fanboy/Chef/Photographer/Randum Nutjob

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

First level of Super Mario Bros. 3 done with Lego's

First level of Super Mario Bros. 3 done with Lego

Really cool. This must have took aday or so to create.

more random stuff later

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Once again another long stretch of time without any sort of update. I really do forget that this blog exists sometimes.

Two or three things, first off I have been at my job for a good amount of time and it is quite okay, nothing particularly special, but I like my coworkers, and it makes me decent money. and as a subtext to my getting a job, I have been going to weddings with my dad, and helping him take pictures so that adds in nicely to my bank accounts general fullness.

Secondly, I went to two conventions this summer, Connecticon in Hartford, Connecticut, and Otakon in Baltimore, Maryland.
Quick Summary of the conventions

Connecticon- Great, fairly even mix of anime and sci-fi with an emphasis on the anime. I will be doing this again next year.

Otakon- HUGE- a few minor problems but nothing too bad, was otherwise enjoyable And I will definately be there again next year, volunteering as usual.

Well thats all for the moment.