Xbox 360 Gamertag Switch
Just noticed this while floating around the XBOX Automated phone system, it seems that earlier reports about being able to change gamertags were true. When I called yesterday about a billing problem, I discovered that under the Xbox Live option there was a option to change a gamertag.
I will Be taking full advantage of that when it comes out but for know my gamertag remains "nikonOs hunter"
It's nice how it lets me post my gamertag on my sites.
Well I'm getting an XBOX 360, not the core, and another wireless controller, along with a play and charge kit, a rechargeable battery, and Perfect Dark Zero:Limited Edition. I'm Also gonna rent PGR3 For the sheer beauty.
Well At leat I'm 2nd on my EBgames' list of preorders. Apparently Microsoft just cut their allocation from 26 to 12 xbox's. Fun isn't it?
More to come tomorrow, when I'll post a list of launch games that I have confirmed with EB, And Kameo : Elements of Power is already on store shelves.
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