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The Demon Sun- Life From A Twisted Angle

The Random Rantings of a Computer nerd/Anime fanboy/Chef/Photographer/Randum Nutjob

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Xbox 360 Release Dates Set

Whee the xbox 360 release date has finally been set. It's set to come out on November 22nd 2005, A couple days before thanksgiving. I think that this is timed to beat out the thanksgiving rush and draw attention to it's release. It looks Like ALL of the Xbox 360's will be sold out in a day or so. according to a manager of a local EBgames, they are only apportioning around 9-10 360's a store, that should substantially raise demand. I don't have to worry because I am 2nd on my local Ebgames preorder list.

The European and Japanese release dates are as follows: Europe December 2nd, and Japan on December 10th.

The real indication of success is how well the Japanese launch is, because the Xbox didn't do so well in Japan when it was released, and has so far only sold a few hundred thousand units there.

I really hope that the launch is successful, because I really want to see Sony's dominance of the console market be broken .


At 1:37 pm GMT-4, Blogger The Demon Sun said...



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