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The Demon Sun- Life From A Twisted Angle

The Random Rantings of a Computer nerd/Anime fanboy/Chef/Photographer/Randum Nutjob

Friday, March 24, 2006

New Camera, Nikon D200

Got a new Camera, and I've been meaning to write a bit about it, but I haven't had time.

It's a very nice Nikon D200, the latest Digital SLR from Nikon. It is 10.2 Megapixels, which puts it far ahead of my other Digital camera, the Nikon D70, which is only a 6 Megapixel sensor. I have taken some really nice pictures using it of my usual night test in RAW mode, Probably one of the most demanding for sensitivity to light and noie in the image, and I am proud to say that it far surpasses many of the other digital SLRS that I've tried.

You can see several pictures that I took by going to my Website and going to my gallery and looking for "Test Pictures"

I will post more about this as I learn the new features of this wonderful new Camera.

Brainiac Videos

Okay, This is what I want badly. The Brainiac:Science Abused Best of Series One DVD. But Alas, I cannot get it in the states, for it is only sold in Britain, and is region 2, which is not playable in my dvd player, but is in my computer.

But Because I love this show so much I will post several clips from their Microwave series

First We have Toothpick in Microwave,

Second We Have Grape in Microwave,

Thirdly We have Gunpowder In Microwave,

Fourthly we have O2 in Microwave.

Oh, and we cant forget the Brain Teaser, And

Last but not least, we have Thermite!
Link: Here

Now You can se why I love this show so much, because they Blow Shit Up!
I do wish however that I could get this show in the us without having to subscribe to SkyOne Satellite channel, but, seeing as how it's not a perfect world, this is all I have.

More funny things later.

Snakes On a Plane


php hit counter

Get your copy of the player here

I rest my case.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Apple- Talent Show Got Me Fired

Hehehe This is funny

Great poem, even if it got this guy fired.

FF12 Opening And Prologue.

I don't Really Play console RPG's But here is something that I couldn't pass up talking about, the opening and prologue to Final Fantasy 12. In a few short words it is pretty damn pretty.

But, don't take my word for it, look and see for yourself.
Prologue [Ruliweb]

Via Kotaku

Battlefield 2142

DAMN, Pretty Mechs.

Okay apparently Battlefield 2142 is the next game in the Battlefield series, after Battlefield 2, and man does it look good, I'm gonna have to get some serious upgrades for my computer. because this is going to make it cry, and cry.

There is a press release announcing the game from the development staff at DiCE, Here
and there's More on this from Kotaku

More On this When they actually announce it "officially"

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Another Video... Vol. 1

Here's another video I found, this time via ArsTechnica's Opposable Thumbs Blog
Just Watch and see why I like It.


This just makes my day, totally...