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The Demon Sun- Life From A Twisted Angle

The Random Rantings of a Computer nerd/Anime fanboy/Chef/Photographer/Randum Nutjob

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Apple Agrees to Hold Subpoenas Against Web Sites

Apple Agrees to Hold Subpoenas Against Web Sites

Score One for free speech!!!

Read On!

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Anime News Network - Press Release

Anime News Network - Press Release-Naruto "Licensed"

It finally happened- somebody licensed naruto.

Shop Pro-= VIZ

Lets hope they make a quick rollout and hire some decent voice actors- with a good translation.
And when they release DVD's lets hope they have the original japanese voice tracks in them

Monday, February 14, 2005


That Tsunami Fundraiser Was Just Terrible. I wish that they would trim 4-5 of them from that horrible rendition of a great beatles song otherwise most of the performances were pretty good although several of them needed to be sung by different artists. Well More Tomorrow

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Getting back on the (Anime) track

Finally Staring to download a lot of anime at the rate of about 3-4 full episodes a day, at this rate I'm gonna need to get another hard drive, probably around 300GB just to fit it all,or a 160- 200 gb drive just for anime.

Organizing all of the anime is a quite time consuming process, its take about an hour to get most of it orgainized and dealt with.

Thats all folks

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Computer Problems Fixed!!!

I Finally Got It Working And... I Overclocked It from 1.8 to 2.0 Ghz, Thank You MSI

Godamn It All

Jesus Fucking Christ>
My Brand New Computer Is acting like my 4 year old system right before it died.
Except that now, windows itself ERASED its own Drivers, namely my CD/DVD drive, and my network adapters. And IT did this after it ran chkdsk, which pisses me off even more. a computer is not supposed to do those thing whe it is repairing a drive index table.

well i'll be done with that for now

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Daft Punk Rocks!

It is over

Before I begin, Let us have a moment of silence for my old computer....

Okay, now that thts done with Wheeeee!!
My New computer runs beautifully, although there were a few hitches, it's all running smoothly now.

Just waiting for halflife 2 to decrypt..

be back later
-Vive La Revolution

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


I am so happy!!!
I finally Built My Computer, all thats left to do is get nice and comfortable, and get it set up the way I like. Th last time I did this was nearly 4 years ago. I can finally do the winXP versions of the hacks that I did for win2000.

As usual FedEx and Newegg.com got my order to my house a day ahead of schedule, two day shipping from fedex express saver, cheapest two day shipping I ever found.

And for a few last words-

- All Your Base Belong To us-

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


My Motherboard comes tomorrow!!( Correction: Today)
After All of my bitching I finally am getting it, should have had it last week but with all tof the problems I've faced I deserve It.

Well My hands still smell like garlic, onions, celery, and carrots, from my food prep course, we worked on knife skills. The fact that they even let me use knives scares some of my friends who know me pretty well, but they've nver seen me in a kitchen before. I rule at cooking!!

Most Of My Favorite foods my dad makes but I'm slowly learning the recipes, it's taking forever because my dad dosn't use any conceivable type of measurement when he makes something. It makes it really hard to recreates them even though I've been told I have my dad's flair for seasoning.

Just Two Last words....


Saturday, February 05, 2005

Annoyances Part 1.

You know those things that no matter how small they are, just drive you up a wall? Well for me it's my stuff being moved. My Room is organized the way I like it and I can find almost anything relatively quickly. Well, somebody in my family decided to move my one of my CDs, and didn't put it back where they found it. well lo' and behold, I needed It and nobody knows where the hell it is, oh this cd just happened to be the install CD for Adobe Photoshop CS. its worth 300$US, and I need it to finish a project and I can't find the bloody thing, and nobody knows where it is, well lnog story short I'm forced to do my project in a mac lab at school, which takes me 4 hours, because the machine doesn't have any of my fonts on it. And You know what, not 2 days later my dad finds it. it really pisses me off because he said he never touched it in the first place.

Well, it's back to the waiting game, motherboard comes on wednesday and I'm probably gonna spend all of the next week or so setting up my new computer and getting comfortable with it.

I went and helped my dad take pictures at a NJROTC Ball today. We Did pretty well. I got paid for sitting around and watching anime, and all I had t do was copy a few Pictures From Compact Flash cards to a laptop and then burn them on cd's.

Thats All For now- adios

Friday, February 04, 2005


I'm Finally Getting my motherboard.

Watched howls moving castle.
Thats all for now

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Fuck My Parents

I mean It too.
I Am To goddamned tired of being TWO Inches Away from Getting A computer, And Because Of Buy.com Overselling my motherboard and putting a hold on 170.00 from my dads checking account. it means I can't Get It From Another source. I wouldn't have had to even deal with this if I had Been Allowed to cash The Scholarship Check on my own. They Instead took it from me and placed it in my savings account(Which I have No access To), so they could drag their fucking feet, and use my money for other things. and then prevent me from getting the computer I wanted when Everything Was In Stock.

I don't really care what excuses they give me because there is no excuse for restricting MY money from Me.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Funny Random thing of the day

eightland.com - Road Waffles comic for Wednesday January 19, 2000
This Is just great, how can satan be too sadistic?

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

At Shool vol 1

Help ME !!


I Reallllllly Want My stuff!!
I Wish I had more money so I could Get Next Day Or Second Day Shipping.

All I have To do is wait, ts All I can Do.