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The Demon Sun- Life From A Twisted Angle

The Random Rantings of a Computer nerd/Anime fanboy/Chef/Photographer/Randum Nutjob

Sunday, September 18, 2005


It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.
- Voltaire

Dontcha' just love voltaire...

Friday, September 16, 2005

Sage Seasoning and tool

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my favorite tool on 4-chan

Birthday time.

It's my birthday today.
I'm finally 18. I can finally vote.
more on this later... after i'm finished with school.
adieu for the moment

Wierd-What the...

What the Hell????
This is the wierdest idea for a cotroller I've ever seen, not to mention un ergonomic.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Xbox 360 Release Dates Set

Whee the xbox 360 release date has finally been set. It's set to come out on November 22nd 2005, A couple days before thanksgiving. I think that this is timed to beat out the thanksgiving rush and draw attention to it's release. It looks Like ALL of the Xbox 360's will be sold out in a day or so. according to a manager of a local EBgames, they are only apportioning around 9-10 360's a store, that should substantially raise demand. I don't have to worry because I am 2nd on my local Ebgames preorder list.

The European and Japanese release dates are as follows: Europe December 2nd, and Japan on December 10th.

The real indication of success is how well the Japanese launch is, because the Xbox didn't do so well in Japan when it was released, and has so far only sold a few hundred thousand units there.

I really hope that the launch is successful, because I really want to see Sony's dominance of the console market be broken .

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Lookie what comes out on the 22nd
I want really badly.

It looks to be quite good

look what gamespy has to say about We love Katamari.

Burnout Revenge comes out tomorrow
And I already have a copy on the way.
I rented it from Gamefly.

Here's gamespy's review of Burnout:Revenge

I REAALLLY Want to play this game.

Well I can't wait to get it, it's probably gonna come tomorrow or the next day, maybe even saturday.

More on these games when I play them. until now I have just been speculating on how good these games will be.

Scaaary food

I don't think I would go NEAR any of this stuff.
just look at what he ate here

Otakon vol 2.

I said I'd do it and I'm gonna do it.
Here it is my Otakon report.

I got to meet a lot of cool aritists, and picked up abunch of cool swag. I'll post pictures later, although I dont have that many( my dad wouldn't let me bring a camera.)

Travelling down to baltimore was an almoste complete disaster. averted only by my posession of a map. We missed a turnoff in Corning, NY that, instead of sending us towards Williamsport ended up sending us to Binghamton. Long story short we ended up getting back on course in Binghamton, and we were of on our way to Baltimore. Because of our little detour, we ended up travelling an extra 60-70 miles.

When We got to the hotel we finally got orgainized again, and set of to the convention center, I had to go register as a gopher for the con, while most of the others got in line for the Pre-registration. apparently the line got so large at one point it wrapped around the BCC twice, but what is even more amazing is that it took only about half an hour from the end of the line to Pick up the badges. When I was finishe with the gofer reg and orientation I headed down to get in line, for my badge. That took me 20 min from the back of the BCC. It was one of the best run Registrations I've seen.

After most of us had our registrations, Our little part of the group headed back to the hotel, 16 blocks away through one of the worst parts of baltimore. But the hotel is another story. When Our little group got back it turned out that one of our drivers Mike, who also happened to be the "leader" of our whole group, had gotten lost on the way to pick up one of the other members of our little group of anime freaks. Then it turned out that he had gotten lost and run over some thing and then was stuck for about 4 hours until that problem was sorted out. That lasted until around 11 or so at night.

On the first day of the con I had Gofer duty in the Registration and Pre-reg area. I ended up as a traffic cop, quite fun, and I got lot's of good comments on my kill bill tshirt It was quite fun. I stayed there for about 3 1/2 hours, and made a new contact. Gofering is quite fun.

I'm running out of time for tonight so I'll post the rest of day one tomorrow. Whenever I get around to it.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Xbox 360 Mania

But it's 600$

I can only afford the 399$ one without games or the extra controller

You can preorder on ebgames.com.

I am getting the XBOX 360 premium edition
  • Xbox 360 Premium System ($399.00)
    • Xbox 360 Game Console
    • Wireless Controller
    • Combination High-Definition Component and Standard A/V Cable
    • 20GB Hard Drive
    • Ethernet Cable
    • Headset
    • Bonus Media Remote
    • Xbox Live Silver
    • Xbox Live Gold 30-Day Trial

Cool Controller?
I like it a lot better than the boomerang of death ps3 controller

I really want this- it's one of the better fighting series out there
and very pretty to boot.


Oooh. even prettier than I imagined. it is a really cool game from rare studios. it's a sequel to perfect dark for n64. just as good as goldeneye for n64.


Look ma it's binary

One of my more annoying habits is to send emails in full binary. it is really quite fun

More binary when I feel like it

(oh, and make sure you remove any kind of formatting)
((like my line returns))

Monday, September 12, 2005


God a lot of my friends have birthdays in september.

My Friend Engin's was on the first, My girlfriend Alita's was yesterday. My other friend Carl was born on the 15th, and mine is the sixteenth.

Check out alita's blog, click the link below

Monday, September 05, 2005

School begins tomorrow @_#

I hate the beginning of school, it just drives me batty. I have to Buy books, Track down the VaPA(Visual and Performing Arts) department head or my professor from my theatre tech class, and get one or the other to sign a permission form to take COM 211, which is a practicum course that requires instructor approval. And to top it all off I have to go and argue with the Bursar's Office over my bill. Because, for some reason as soon as you are a bit late with a payment they go and place a hold on your registration and records. The counselors can't even take a look at my transcript.

That bit of drama aside... It looks like this yrear is going to be even harder than the last. I'm finally taking chemistry( I was banned from taking it in high school), and I am retaking History of world war II, Which I failed first semester... It looks like it will be fun too.
Although after all of the drama on the otakon trip it might be advisable to be careful around the anime club.

I still haven't gotten around to writing a con report for Otakon. It will come soon...

Really, I mean It this time.
More to come tomorrow after my first day.


Thursday, September 01, 2005

Books Part 1

Half of my books

My Current Desktop(cool)

I have a cool new desktop
And this is what it looks like

Webcomic goodness

I haven't done this yet but I think I should..
Here is a list of my favorite webcomics.
1. Real Life -Greg Dean
2. Megatokyo-Fred Gallagher
3. Applegeeks-Mohammad F. Haque and Ananth Panagariya
4. Scary Go Round
5. Mac Hall
6. Penny Arcade- Tycho And Gabe
7. Misfile
8. The Wotch
9. Questionable Content-J.Jacques
10. Chugworth Academy-Dave Cheung
11. All Of Clone.Manga- Nana'sLife, Tomoyo42's Room, April & May, Kanami, & Paper Eleven
12. Plaver Vs. Player- Scott Kurtz
13. VG Cats- Scott Ramsoomair
13. Little Gamers
13. GU Comics
14. Mondo Mecho
15. Crap I Drew On My Lunch Break
16. Aoi House- Seven Seas
17. Kristy Vs. The Zombie Army
18. Instant Classic Entertainment

More To come Later.
Also A warning about Chugworth Academy And Anything from Clone.Manga- These are NOT For Kids